Our Story

Westcoast Island Woodwork is a small family-owned business located in the heart of Lantzville, BC. We opened for business in November of 2018 and what started as a part-time weekend hobby has turned into a full-time job for our newly retired woodworker.

Since then, we have proudly made all of our creations out of 100% recycled wood, meaning that our materials are often on their second, third, or even fourth life! We believe that each piece of wood has a story and it is our job to tell it.

Our Team

Hans Lehrke | Co-Founder & Woodworker

Hans is our man behind the boards. This second-time retiree decided to pick up one of his old hobbies and found himself back in the shop. Hans spent his working career in both the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Forests, spending a total of 33 and a half years with the government. After retiring for the first time in 2012, Hans went back to work as a consultant for another six and a half years, specializing in bridge construction across Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. Now happily retired, (hopefully for the last time) Hans hopes to spend more time with his family, his dog and of course, his workshop.

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Hans grew up in small-town Nelson, BC, and made the move to the island during the early days of his career. As a kid, he would spend hours in his dad’s shop, creating whatever came to mind out of any scrap wood that he could find. He loves making unique pieces of furniture, home decor, and of course, cribbage boards. Hans first learned the game of crib from his dad, and he was keen to pass on the game to his daughter at an early age. His love for woodwork hasn’t diminished even a little bit with time. He loves creating pieces that he knows will give someone so much joy for years to come.

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Zoya Lehrke | Co-Founder & Marketing Manager

Zoya’s skills, on the other hand, land behind the screen. Though she doesn’t have the handy-man skills of her Dad, she is just as excited as he is to share his work with the rest of the world. Zoya was born and raised in Lantzville, BC but has since then moved to Vancouver, BC to expand her career in marketing. When she isn't busy at her full-time gig, she spends her weekends and evenings putting her creativity to work and growing the business that has become somewhat of a passion project for both her and our Woodworker. In her spare time, you can often find her in the mountains, on a pair of skis or exploring a new trail, hunting down a new local business to support in her new home of Squamish, BC, or in the middle of (usually losing) a game of crib with her Dad.

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Louise Lehrke | Bookkeeper & Workshop Assistant

Louise is Island Woodwork’s part-time bookkeeper and part-time workshop assistant! Louise grew up on the island and has called Lantzville her home for the past 28 years. Louise worked as a travel agent in Nanaimo for 31 years but in 2014, she decided it was time to retire as an exciting career change was in order. Louise attended Vancouver Island University to get her Applied Business Technology Certificate, which brought her to where she is today… the owner of her own bookkeeping company! When Louise isn’t working on Island Woodwork’s books, you can find her reading on her Kobo or spending some quality time with her golden doodle, on this little piece of heaven we call home!

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